Monday, August 15, 2016

Introducing Isaac Nagle Pt. 1

Name? Isaac L. Nagle

Date of Birth? December 21st, 1989

Favorite Food? Victory

Favorite part of your body? The eternal flames that glow beneath my cheeks.

Least favorite part of your body? I'm not fond of two particularly pronounced freckles on my right knee that seem to be plotting against me.

Who would you rather have as your QB: Andrew Luck or Tom Brady? Are we talking real life? Luck. Fantasy? Brady - I'm playing for the championship, not just to make the playoffs. I don't trust Luck on a week to week basis. Dynasty? Luck. Tom has 2-3 years left, I need me a young buck.

Would you rather your penis be 10 ft long or 10 milimeters long? Milimeters. I've lived the 10 foot life, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

If you weren't on staff, what would you do? I'd likely try to take down Matthew Berry as the Fantasy King of Writing.

How do you view trades? Big pro trade guy. Especially when it benefits both teams. I'm all for blockbusters, small timers, and anything in between. I'm a big haggler. Send me your best offers.

If you had to choose four league members to be on your team in a zombie apocalypse, who would you choose and why?Draft pick one is Tim Friedel. He has a wiley X factor that I think would be best utilized in a zombie apocalypse scenario. If Tim isn't on your team you're doing it wrong. Second I'll go James. He's in the military right? Next I toss a broken pool stick to Casey Costa and Derek Jones, Dark Knight style, and have them duel to the death. I need some brains and engineering on my team and while I have many intellectuals to choose from I'll take my chances with them. Lastly I round out the group with Joe Danehower. We need a rallying point.

Marry, Eff and Kill: Joe Vickers, Joe Nelson, Joe Danehower. I'm a polygamist. So yes to all three for all three.

Favorite NFL team? The Washington Redskins

Least Favorite Thing About Marriage/Most Favorite Thing About Marriage? I love marriage. The Bad Bee is the best. My favorite thing is watching her grow into one of the biggest roles in FranCo. She's slowly taking over the biggest high school west of Richmond. She's a great teacher, almost finished her Master's, and an incredible leader for YL. She also makes everything we do way more fun. Big fan.

Describe your mindset for the season in a paragraph or less. I come into this league with tentative enthusiasm. Every league is different and while I've experienced fantasy success in the past I've never been in a 16 person league. I'll be a wild card. I could come out swinging with a solid draft or I could get nervous, draft Jarrett Boykin first round and loudly express "Danny Coale caught that ball" before free-falling into a waiver-wire fever that lasts the whole season. I'm pumped to get this thing cranking.

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